Six-time World Cup darts player gives money to charity after failed ‘suicide joke’ | Darts

Darter Diogo Portela transfers half of his prize money to a foundation that works for people with mental problems. The Brazilian went wrong this week with a misplaced joke about suicide.

Portela accepted an invitation to compete in the MODUS Super Series at the end of March. In this tournament, the darts players receive a fixed fee and prize money. That rises to 5000 pounds (about 5600 euros) with the weekly profit in the competition.

The most famous darts player from South America lost his sponsors this week after he made a misplaced joke about suicide on Twitter. Portela still calls himself ‘the funniest Brazilian you could meet’. The 34-year-old darts player makes it a habit to put a joke on Twitter every day. Sunday morning it was:What makes sad people jump? Bridge.’

The joke was not well received and Portela lost all his sponsors. He then apologised. “Sorry if I hurt anyone with my joke. That was not my intention,” said a statement from Portela, who used to struggle with psychological problems. He thought his own joke was funny. ,,But I misjudged that it could hurt other people.” So now he also decided to support the charity.

Portela keeps posting a joke every day

Striking: a day after ‘the joke’ later, Portela was in a good mood again, because the incident had gained him extra followers. “I woke up and saw that I have 7000 more followers. Thank you, Twitter.’ A new joke soon followed, because Portela has no intention of stopping: “What’s made of leather and sounds like a sneeze? A shoe!

Portela took part in the PDC World Cup six times, five times he was killed in the first round. He reached the second round at the 2021 World Cup after beating Steve Beaton 3-0. Then he went down without a chance against Glen Durrant.

You can talk about suicidal thoughts anonymously: chat via, call 113 or call free 0800-0113.
