Six perpetrators, one victim – Nasty attack in the M4

By Anne Losensky

Worlds collided in the Berlin tram. Racism or everyday madness?

Tiergarten District Court. It’s about insult, threat, dangerous bodily harm on February 5, 2022 in the evening in the M4 and in front of the Greifswalder Straße S-Bahn station (Prenzlauer Berg).

High school graduate Dilan S. (then 17): “I was on the tram. people got on. Racially insulted me as a foreigner and hurt me. My mum is German, I was born here and I am German!”

The victim: High school graduate Dilan S. was attacked on the tram and racially insulted

The victim: High school graduate Dilan S. was attacked on the tram and racially insulted
Photo: Olaf Wagner

The six defendants are:

► Driver Matthias St. (43) says: “We had been drinking, we were having fun. I had a puppy under my arm. The aggression came from her.”

► Seller Cornelia R. (55): “Maybe I pulled her hair.”

► Restaurateur Jennifer G. (34): “Maybe I called her cunt and gave the stinky finger. I was in a relationship with an Arab for 13 years, and I was still insulting her in Arabic.”

► Car dealer Heiko S. (45, is said to be in the right scene): “I didn’t touch her, just said she should have a little respect for her age. She bickered so much.”

► René H. (52, unemployed): “Nobody attacked her, I just wanted to de-escalate.”

► Jennifer M. (25, unemployed): “She poisoned us because we were without masks. Didn’t let up.”

The high school graduate is said to have been circled and beaten in front of the train. Dilan S.: “They talked to me as if I had less value than them. I was beaten because I’m a foreigner.” Three days in hospital. Since then she has been in therapy.

Verdict: April 17.
