Six months without keta, coke and 3MMC: Jimmy from Alkmaar (22) TikTokt about addiction

“I’m ready to share my story: I was secretly taking drugs for months so as not to feel.” Jimmy Berkhof (22) from Alkmaar confessed this to his followers on Instagram and TikTok last month. He quietly struggles with an addiction to alcohol and drugs. Now he is six months clean, finally happy and motivated to help other young people.

Maaike Polder / NH News

Jimmy has been doing drugs since he was fifteen, he tells candidly when we visit the house where he lives with his parents. The twenty-something finds the interview on camera exciting. His videos on TikTok also have over 100,000 views. “I get so many responses, support and questions about my addiction.”

We’re in his room. “This place feels double. It’s the place where I feel good and meditate now. But it’s also the place where at one point I used ketamine every day to fall asleep.”

For him, as with so many young people, the use starts with alcohol. “I had a drink. To seem less insecure. More fun.” In his own words, Jimmy is a follower during that period in high school and ‘rather the bully than the bullied’.

‘Then you should try coke’

“Then I went to blow. Purely experimental. And then I got a pill EcstasyThe twenty-something is good at telling about the turbulent drug period that follows. From the age of eighteen he took a pill, MDMA, beer and weed every weekend. He specifically remembers a moment in Alkmaar.

“I was a ‘silent user’, my friends didn’t know everything. And my parents certainly didn’t”

Jimmy (22) from Alkmaar

“It was going out and I was very drunk. Then someone said: then you should have a go coke to attempt. So I did. Wow, it suddenly felt like I’m sober again. Dangerous, because you’re not at all.”

In the corona time, the use goes to a few times a week. “Then my weekend started on Wednesday. And if I wasn’t using then I was already thinking about: when will I be back?” He also discovers the banned 3MMC in 2021, a very addictive designer drug that has recently been been warned several times.

Anxiety, a dangerously high body temperature, hallucinations, headaches and palpitations are according to the Trimbos Institute including negative effects of the use of 3MMC. Jimmy: “I started using that more and more.”

And to fall asleep at night he takes the narcotic ketamine. He points to his mattress. “I hid it under that. My friends and parents didn’t notice. I was a silent user.” At home, Jimmy was absent, angry, and then smashed a door. “But they had never seen anyone with an addiction.”


With him the feeling grows that he no longer has a purpose in his life. He writes about this on Instagram: For the past 2 years I have been afraid of myself. Afraid of myself, afraid of feeling and afraid of being seen.

“I was unhappy. Didn’t recognize myself anymore, I saw two Jimmy’s. One that didn’t want to live anymore and one that wanted to use, use, use.”

When he even saw delusions at the beginning of this year, he decided to start drug addiction through a program. Now, six months later, he celebrates that he shape is having a photo shoot. BView the entire report below.

Jimmy from Alkmaar clean for 6 months – NH Nieuws

Of his TikTok account Jimmy wants to tell others about his drug addiction but also help. “Maybe there are people who are still in an addiction.” He also notices that drug use among young people, for example in his own city, is increasing and is openly discussed.

“It’s more normal to say what drugs you do, when and how much, then say you’ve never used anything.” But you could also say that it is good that young people are open about it and that using it occasionally is fine?

“I neglected myself and hurt the people around me”

Jimmy (22) from Alkmaar

“Yes, I have nothing against using drugs now and then. But with drugs abuse is something wrong. Why are you taking the drug? Think about your motive. I wore a mask. I didn’t want to feel.”

And, Jimmy advises, realize the consequences. “You have an addiction for the rest of your life. I spent all my money on drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, neglected myself and hurt the people around me. I was very unhappy.” He watches a video of himself using it and shakes his head. “I never want to go back here.”
