Six arrests after first night Tilburg fair, officer injured

During a restless catering night in the center of Tilburg – after the first day of the Tilburg fair – six arrests were made on Friday night. An officer was punched in the face.

The assault took place after officers tried to calm down a violently arguing man (19) and woman (19) on the Heuvelring. The two reacted very aggressively and turned on the officers. After their arrest, people in the neighborhood also started to get involved. The officers had to form a line to restore order. Peace returned with the help of dog handlers and police on horseback. The injured officer was brought home with a glued eyebrow and a serious headache.

An 18-year-old Tilburger was arrested because of the abuse of the officer. He had brass knuckles with him. The police are investigating whether he hit the officer with it. Furthermore, a 19-year-old Tilburg was arrested for disturbing public order and insulting.

Theft safety vest
A 28-year-old from Den Bosch was arrested on the Veldhovenring. He stole a safety vest from a police car during the unrest on the Heuvelring. A camera surveillance employee saw this and passed it on to the officers. The thief tried to get away in a car, after which the officers gave chase. During this chase, the stolen safety vest was thrown from the car. Eventually the driver was forced to stop.

The driver of the car turned out to be the man who stole the vest. He was under the influence of alcohol. He had a blood alcohol level of over 0.5. He was charged with dangerous driving and driving under the influence.

Finally, a 45-year-old Tilburger was arrested because he allegedly assaulted a 30-year-old Tilburger in a catering business on Piusplein.
