Sister of resident of house that was shot at: ‘This will come in’

1/2 Investigation into the shelling of the house in Den Bosch (photo: Rochelle Moes).

A resident of the Korenaar in Den Bosch heard three shots on Friday night. “I heard pop, pop, pop. But a lot of fireworks are set off here, so I wasn’t really surprised,” she told Omroep Brabant on Saturday morning.

Profile photo of Bart ElzendoornProfile photo of Rochelle Moes

A house on the Korenaar was shot at around one o’clock on Friday night. Three bullet holes can be seen in the window. The local resident who heard the shots looked out the window because she wanted to know what was going on. “I didn’t see anyone at first. But a little later I saw someone crossing the road. The person walked a bit crouched and had on red sweatpants and a hooded cardigan.”

“Imagine if they were home.”

The family that lives in the house is currently on holiday in Morocco. A sister of the resident of the house says that she has had telephone contact with the family there. According to her, it is an ordinary family without problems. The son would not be on vacation, by the way. “Then you arrive here and you see those bullet holes in the window. Yes, you can feel that. That will come in. Imagine if they were at home,” she tells our reporter.

Two other local residents are not surprised by the shooting, without wanting to say more about it. The resident who heard the shots on Friday night also says: “The Hambaken is not known as the best neighborhood. But this is the first time in the 28 years that I have lived here that I have experienced this.”

No one was home Friday night when the house came under fire. The police said on Saturday morning that a small, dark car may have driven away in the direction of Klokkediep. A man in a cap would also have run away towards the Rose Elf. The forensic investigation is busy on Saturday with investigations in and around the house.

Images of the investigation after the shooting:

READ ALSO: House under fire, three bullet holes in the window
