Siska from the pop-up kiosk at Gasselterveld is disappointed that she has to leave: ‘People felt safer’

Bad news for visitors to the Gasselterveld swimming lake. After a court decision, there is no longer room for the temporary beach tent that was there for two summers. The owner regrets that.

On a hot summer day, the white beach of the Gasselterveld swimming lake is packed with visitors looking for some refreshment. The previous two summers they could find it at a pop-up kiosk. Owner Siska Kanninga ran her own catering business Strand 34 from a converted blue shipping container. Visitors to the popular lake could go there for an ice cream, a snack and a drink.

Lots of happy faces

“These were fantastic summers. It was a great experience,” Kanninga reflects. “I received so many nice responses. From people who had never been to the lake, but also from people from the area who came there regularly. It made for a lot of happy faces.”

The kiosk was intended as a temporary solution until a new pavilion was built. After an open tender from the municipality of Aa en Hunze, Staatsbosbeheer and the province of Drenthe, Kanninga’s company was chosen. After a successful first trial season, the store opened its doors the following year in July and August.

No place for blue container

But next summer there will no longer be room for the blue container. The entrepreneur of the adjacent restaurant ‘t Nije Hemelriek has been opposing the arrival of a new pavilion for years and filed a lawsuit against Staatsbosbeheer, owner of the recreation area, and Werkplein Drentsche Aa, the landlord of the building.

According to the operator, his lease agreement states that no competing catering establishments may be established within a radius of one kilometer. The court recently ruled in his favor: the restaurant is entitled to exclusivity in the recreational area.

And so next summer season visitors to the natural lakes will again be at the mercy of one place. A downer for Kanninga. “We knew that this (the lawsuit, ed. ) played. And we must respect the ruling,” she says.

Still, the owner thinks it is a great loss for the area. “I wonder how this should proceed. Some days it is so busy. There is a real demand for something like this during the summer months. And the environment was very happy with it,” she says, herself a resident of Gasselte. “Not only with the extra catering, but also because it made them feel safer and it was less messy.”

Safer and cleaner

Because the kiosk was not only intended to serve visitors, but also to keep an eye on things and ensure a clean beach.

For example, there were extra waste bins around the container, the manager handed out bags and she and her team held regular cleaning actions, during which she visited the beach by plogging or planning – cleaning up plastic while jogging or walking.

That was different a few years ago. Back then, the area was regularly littered with rubbish left by the many visitors.

“The area became extremely popular, especially due to corona. And when it’s busy, people leave rubbish behind. That is why this kiosk was a great move and will be a great loss for recreationists, residents of Gasselte and holidaymakers in beautiful Drenthe,” Kanninga thinks.

Although she has to look for a new place, she doesn’t give up. “I am an entrepreneur, so I have plenty of other ideas. Moreover, other opportunities also arise, also because I have been there. So that will definitely work out well,” she concludes.

Further develop the area

The temporary kiosk was one of the proposed adjustments by Staatsbosbeheer, the municipality of Aa en Hunze and the province of Drenthe to further develop the area. According to those parties, more facilities are needed for the many visitors to the popular natural lakes.

Other improvements have also been carried out in recent years to improve road safety and reduce nuisance on the beach. For example, paid parking has been introduced and a new cycle path has been constructed. Until 2025, parking capacity will be increased and the access road will be improved.
