Sint’s entry into Kortrijk attended by silent protest

Belgium can do it criticizes the use of Zwarte Piet as incomprehensible. The action group strives to abolish stereotypes such as black face painting, frizzy hair, gold earrings and red lipstick. “Six years ago, the Pete Pact was concluded in Flanders to realize that Zwarte Piet embodies racism,” explains co-organizer Mirjam Henkens. “Why do cities like Kortrijk, Sint-Niklaas and Lier continue to stick to this figure?”

Henkens calls the situation in Kortrijk completely absurd. Despite earlier commotion, a mix of soot sweeping Petes and traditional Black Petes was chosen as a compromise. “Racism is not a menu of options. If a tradition is harmful to children, you should not negotiate but adapt.”
