Sinterklaas is in the country and likes to read the newspaper. Saint Nicholas fears death, he wants to live a very long time and give us presents

Sinterklaas is in the Netherlands. Between working visits he always reads Dagblad van het Noorden. And every day, until December 5, he makes a short vlog about the news of the day.

In his third vlog, Sint Nicolaas reads the message about 16 percent excess mortality in the Netherlands. “Boy-boy.”

So more people are dying than expected. “If you die now, you can join the back. Just like with the Tax and Customs Administration, but that is a different story.”

Santa understands that everyone wants to live as long as possible. “It works pretty well for me.” Still, he thinks you should go when it’s your time.

The question remains why the excess mortality is so high. Sint Nicolaas does have an idea about this and explains it here.
