Sint-Denijs City brings urban art to a quiet village

Sint-Denijs City brings urban art to a quiet village

A dozen works of art are set up along slow roads through the village to admire while walking or cycling. Jan Leysen, curator: “We mainly bring art, which actually refers to an urban environment, to the silence of the village of Sint-Denijs. So that you feel a kind of paradox there. This is phenomenal art, but in Sint-Denijs it is a bit bizarre because that art appeals to the city.”

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There is new work by the Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen. The rooster on the orb or the Globus Cruciger covered with gold leaf sparkles in the morning sun.

At the back of the church, there are two gravestones with identical names. The small tombstone belongs to Ronny, a child who only lived a few months. Four years after the death artist Ronny was born. He was given the same name, a replacement child. It was never talked about but here their story is set in stone. Ronny Delrue: “The small stone is quite heavily polished with few injuries with few nicks. Because the child has actually not been able to grow much. My stone is a rough blue stone with a lot of shards and steers and chunks. At the back and also along the side “To me, that’s the metaphor of life. The longer you live, the more pieces get battered, the more hurt you get in life. It’s actually a petrified emotion.”

The exhibition will be officially opened tonight and Sint-Denijs-City will continue to run every weekend until September 24.
