Sinner-McDonald 0-1 in Paris Bercy

Jannik, on the court at half past midnight in Bercy, does everything well until the 9th game, then loses himself on serve and gives the advantage to the American

Three days to recharge the batteries after the victory in Vienna, then Jannik Sinner arrived in Paris to play the second round against Mackenzie McDonald, number 42 in the world, at half past midnight. Thanks to the usual crazy programming of the organization, which is criticized every year but never learns from its mistakes.


The American is tough, dangerous on serve, and doesn’t want to give in. Sinner tries to make a move in the 5th game taking it 15-30 but the number 42 in the world closes the game for 3-2 at the change of court. However, the South Tyrolean doesn’t want to waste time and earns a break point, the first of the match after 23 minutes, in the 7th game. Mac works well in defense, and Sinner does not materialize. Meanwhile, someone in the crowd is annoying, Jannik gets annoyed, loses the tiger’s eye, and the American closes for 4-3. Jannik insists and here he earns 3 more balls for 5-4, grabs the break and goes to serve for the first set. It’s a shame that instead of sitting with the partial in his pocket, as happens too often, the South Tyrolean returns the favor. All to be done again after 45 minutes the set is played in a tie break. Sinner starts with a minibreak but is immediately caught again and ends up 4-2 down. He recovers the deficit at 4-4 but it is still McDonald who takes the lead and earns the set point. Canceled. But on the second, Sinner gives up the first set.
