Sinksen should be sparkling again in Kortrijk after two years

Sinksen should be sparkling again in Kortrijk after two years

Sinksen could also continue in corona time, albeit in a slimmed-down or digital version. This year they want another full edition in Kortrijk during the Whitsun weekend. They want to immerse the city in the atmosphere of the ‘roaring twenties’, the flashy period after the First World War. Visitors should get the same feeling in Kortrijk, with the restart after the pandemic.

New party location

The Schouwburgplein will be the operating base with an opening spectacle, but the classic Flea Market on Sundays and Mondays is also back. They expect more than 1,400 stands in the city center. The Sinksen Speeddates are also on the bill again: you can get to know fascinating people. After last year’s edition, two participants have even recently started living together. (read more below the photo)

Kortrijk Weide will be the new party location, with lots of music and spectacle.
