Sinking warship Moskva ‘big blow’ to Russia

Overview: sinking warship Moskva ‘big blow’ to Russia, heavy explosions in Kiev and Kherson

These are the main developments from Thursday evening and the night from Thursday to Friday:

  • The Russian warship Moscow sank in the Black Sea on Thursday. This was stated by the Russian Defense Ministry. The Moskva is said to have sunk in a storm after it was damaged. Ukraine says it hit the ship with missiles, Russia says the ship was damaged by fire after an explosion of ammunition caused by an accident on board. The US Department of Defense calls the loss of the vessel, the flagship of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, “a major blow” to Russia.
  • In the Ukrainian capital Kiev and in the southern city Kherson are in the night from Thursday to Friday heard heavy explosions† Kiev is said to be the heaviest explosion since Russian troops withdrew from the region earlier this month to focus on fighting in southern and eastern Ukraine. The air raid siren sounded in many places. Civilians prepare for Russian attacks after the sinking of the warship Moskva in the Black Sea.
  • if Sweden and Finland joining NATO, Russia will be forced to take action, including by strengthening its armed forces in the Baltic region. In that case, there can no longer be a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Baltic region. Russian Security Council Vice-President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that both countries are considering joining NATO as a result of the war in Ukraine.
