Single universal check, requested by 7.8 million families. Women

TOsingle sign and paternity leave? Not at all. The company complains about the empty cribsfamilies complain of the effort, even economic, to raise childrenmothers of not being able to reconcile family and work.

Yet, faced with measures to support the birth rate, the family and to reduce the gender gap, the response of the Italians is disappointing.

The single check and struggling families

As reiterated byINPS on the occasion of the presentation of its Annual ReportItaly is characterized by a birth rate among the lowest in the world and due to a low participation of women in the labor market. Contrary to countries like France, Denmark and Sweden where high fertility rates are accompanied by high female employment rates.

Wage inequality between boys and girls: the experiment with children

Measures to support families

Recently the legislator has tried: in fact there have been several measures taken to encourage fathers to take care of their children and close the gender gap (gender gap) in the labor market. But also to support families.

The single universal check, (only) 7.8 million applications

In fact, one of the instruments put in place is a pre-eminent role L’Single Universal Check. But six months after its entry into force, about 7.8 million applications for allowances were received by the institute, compared to a population of about 10 million minors. (data as of 05/19/22).

By aggregating the requests for a single check by province of residence and comparing them to the number of individuals aged between 0 and 21 years old resident, it is possible to get an idea of ​​the geographical distribution of who did not take advantage of the bonus: they are mainly in the North.

Paternity and parental leave

As for the different forms of leave by mothers and fathers, iPaternity leave is only requested by 50% of fathers. THEProduced on an experimental basis for the years 2013-2015, it allows fathers to take 10 days off work for the birth of their child. More and more men ask for it, but still a few.

On the other hand, regarding the use of parental leave we note, in the period from 2012 to 2021, one strongly unequal distribution within the couple, with fathers representing only about 19% of applicants.

«Our analyzes also show that the allocation of care tasks within couples it reacts very slowly and little to changes in the economic conditions of parental leave », the institute underlines. In short, all of Italy is a country. Unfortunately.

