Single check, September payments with some news

Stseptember is the month of payments of the single cheque: the subsidy for families with dependent children up to the age of 21 and for families with disabled dependent children, will be credited on the 15th, 18th and 19th of the month. However, if it is the first payment, the beneficiary will see the amount credited by INPS at the end of the month following the one in which the application is presented.

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Single cheque, September month of payments

Those who no longer take the Citizenship Income need not worry, because as recalled by the INPS they will be able to «continue to receive the single check until February 2024on the same paper dedicated to the Rdc”.

New since November

So far so normal: from November, however, something will change.

In the note dated 1 August, INPS indicated the new ways in which users requesting support can and must correct the situation in the event of a non-compliant ISEE certificate.

Indeed, until now, the Check was disbursed even in the presence of omissions or discrepancies on movable assets and/or on the income data declared, but from November failure to regularize the certification will result in the allocation of the minimum amounts of the Cheque.

The September payments of the Single Check are about to arrive. There will be some news starting in November (Getty)

How to regularize the different ISEE

To fix the different ISEE, the possibilities are different: you can present a new Dsu or single substitute declaration. You can contact the intermediary Caf to request, if you have committed a material error, the correction of the previously transmitted Dsu.

Finally, the documentation certifying the completeness and truthfulness of the ISEE, relating to the member of the family unit to which the omissions and discrepancies refer, can be presented to the local INPS office of reference.


The allowance ranges from a minimum of 50 euros per month to a maximum of 175 for each dependent minor child. For dependent children aged between 18 and 21, the amounts vary from a minimum of 25 euros a month to a maximum of 85. Surcharges are foreseen in the case of dependent children with disabilitiesof mothers under the age of 21, of large families, of both working parents, of families with an ISEE of less than 25,000.

Who is the single check intended for?

The single check is recognised to families for each dependent minor child and, for newborns, from the seventh month of pregnancy. It is also recognized for each dependent adult child, up to the age of 21, provided that:

  • attend a school or professional training course, or a degree course
  • carries out an internship or work activity and has a total income of less than 8 thousand euros per year
  • is registered as unemployed and looking for a job at the public employment services
  • perform the universal civil service
  • for each dependent child with a disability, without age limits

