Single Amsterdam Pirates win sufficient for shared first place in the main division

Amsterdam Pirates again managed to tie for first place. The reigning champion lost to HCAW from Bussum on Saturday and Thursday, but turned out to be the strongest on Sunday. That was enough to tie Neptunus.

Neptunus had twice defeated Twins Oosterhout with big numbers, but was loser on Sunday: 3-0. Because of this, the Rotterdam-squad has as many points (22) as Pirates. HCAW is also a close attacker with twenty points.

The next round is in three weeks and then the clash will be between Pirates and Neptunus.

In the other group, which includes the bottom five, RCH shares the lead with DSS/Kinheim (26 points). It should be noted that the Heemstedelingen have played three fewer matches.

Top group results:

Amsterdam Pirates – HCAW 3-1
Twins Oosterhout – Neptune 3-0

Neptunus – Twins Oosterhout 9-6
HCAW – Amsterdam Pirates 2-0

Amsterdam Pirates – HCAW 1-8
Twins Oosterhout – Neptune 2-7
