Singer Petra changed with her family life

Petra is grateful for her difficult experiences.

Singer Petra’s life looks bright after two difficult years. The music industry is finally recovering from the pandemic, and everyday life is also colored by family life and side work in sports.

Petra’s new song Sagrada Familia will be released on Friday, May 27th. Originally, Petra thought the song was about a relationship, but it only takes on new meanings later.

– Yesterday I realized that it also tells about my family’s belief in a better tomorrow after the Korona period. Even though life is never finished and everything is not perfect, we still survive, he ponders.

Petra became known as the singer of the band Tiktak. Jussi Eskola

Petra’s latest album One million reasons was released in January 2020. The gigs were scheduled to start in the spring, but the pandemic canceled everything. In addition, Petra and her musician had just taken out a loan and bought a detached house.

– The calendars of both of us were erased. For a moment it seemed that we would not survive this. I am a chemist by another profession and I am thinking that maybe now we need to stop making music and change fields, he recalls.

Get out of control

The corona age brought a good thing to Petra’s life: daughter Leona was born in December 2020. The family already had a son born in 2013, Noel.

– My family has made me a better person. I have become more relaxed and I am nicer to follow. I used to be a perfectionist and a control freak. Now I accept things as they come and be able to enjoy when they succeed, Petra says.

Petra is a chemist by training, but the work on music has taken over. Jussi Eskola

In addition to music, Petra works as a personal trainer at a gym in her hometown of Vantaa.

– I was friends with the owner of the hall while training there and he suggested that I become a coach. I like group exercise classes and it’s not very far from performing at a gig. Here, too, we need to get people excited and enjoy themselves, he says.

Petra got excited to study to be a personal trainer during a corona pandemic. Jussi Eskola

Although Petra is a familiar face to the public, she has been treated normally by gym clients and other employees.

– The reception was wonderful. I’ve been training myself in the same gym for years, so maybe it has brought confidence, he laughs.

New forces

Petra, who has sprung to fame from Tiktak as a teenager, has had a long career in music. Yet he still experiences fire in his work and is constantly learning new things.

– I still want to develop as a songwriter. I only started making my own texts later in my career. I had thought I had nothing to give them. Then I thought that at least I don’t have to be a composer and now I do melodies. Learning something new motivates me so much, he rejoices.

Petra’s summer plans include touring and vacationing with the family. Jussi Eskola

While there has been a tragedy in the overall picture, Petra is personally grateful for a difficult era.

– In hindsight, I am now a better person, a musician and a mother. The last two years finally gave me more than I could have ever imagined. I had to dig inside for resources I didn’t know I had.
