Singer Lizzo caused a stir: the offensive word of the song was removed

Singer Lizzo changed the lyrics of her already released song after receiving criticism on social media.

Attitude artist Lizzo’s latest song caused a stir of discrimination because it used a derogatory word for people with disabilities. Erik Pendzich / Alamy Stock Photo

Artist Lizzo moved fresh Grrrls-the lyrics of his song after receiving a lot of criticism on social media. The singer used an offensive word that caused a stir among the artist’s followers.

According to the followers, the word spaz used in the song is offensive. The abbreviation comes from the word spastic, which means muscle spasm and refers to, for example, a developmental disability.

Several listeners of the song commented on the social media about the artist’s choice of words and its insult. Those who suffer from spasticity, especially those who cramp, criticize the lyrics of the song as perceiving and discriminating.

– Spaz doesn’t mean upset or crazy. It’s an ableist slurry. Now it’s 2022. Do better, one Twitter user commented on Lizzo’s song.

In Twitter conversations, Lizzo’s song and choice of words were accused of being ableist or hostile towards people with disabilities.

Lizzo did not remain silent after the commotion began, but accepted the criticism. He changed the lyrics of an already published song so that it is not discriminatory or offensive. He talked about the change in the song on his Instagram.

Lizzo immediately corrected the lyrics of his song after receiving criticism. Picture of the spring 2022 Met Gala. JUSTIN LANE

He changed the offensive word in the first verse of the song so that he repeats “Hold my bag” instead of the word that caused the criticism.

– I have learned that in my new song Grrrls is an offensive word. I want to make one thing clear. I never wanted to use offensive language. As a large-sized dark American woman, I’ve heard a lot of insults, so I fully understand the power of words (whether intentional or, in my case, unintentional), the artist wrote in her Instagram release.

At the same time, the artist said that he changed the song so that the word could no longer be heard in it. The new version quickly appeared to replace the original.

– I can proudly say that the new version with the change of lyrics is revealed. This is the result of listening and acting. As an impressive artist, I have promised to be a part of the change I have expected to see in the world.

Lizzo is known for his flashy style and desire to break stereotypes about how plus-sized performers are usually seen.
