Singer Cher experienced three miscarriages at a young age

Today, the singer Cher is a mother of two children.

The singer Cher takes a stand on the abolition of abortion rights in the United States on her Twitter account. PDO

Singer Cher, real name Cherilyn Sarkisian, 76, opened up on her Twitter account on July 19 about her rough experiences in her youth. She has experienced three miscarriages.

When Cher was married to the late musician-politician Sonny Bono at the age of 18, they experienced their first miscarriage.

– I was alone in our home. When Son came home, I cried and rolled around on our floor, Cher recalls in the publication.

If the tweet is not visible, you can view it from here.

– When I got to the doctor, I screamed in pain. I couldn’t even stop in the elevator. The doctor ordered me to the hospital and surgery. What would happen to me today, he continues.

Cher and Sonny Bono were married for nine years. They have one child together. Photo from 1966. PDO

Several public figures have spoken about their abortion and miscarriage experiences in the past weeks, as the Supreme Court overturned universal abortion rights in the United States.

Cher also took a stand on the abolition of the right to abortion.

– Republicans make American women prisoners, Cher wrote on her Twitter account.

– Maybe they insert microchips into women like dogs.

If the tweet is not visible, you can view it from here.

Cher and Sonny Bono married in 1964. Five years after the union, the couple had a son, Chaz Bono, 53. Cher also has another child, Elijah Blue Allman, 46, with musician Gregg Allman.

Cher and Sonny Bono divorced in 1975 after nine years of marriage.

The abortion law reform has sparked numerous protests across the United States. CNN

Source: Fox News
