Singer Alma gave up her neon-green hair

Singer-songwriter Alma dyed her hair a new color after years.

Alma in 2017. MEERI UTTI

Singer-songwriter Alma has enjoyed her neon-green hair color, which has been a trademark for years.

Now, the latest release from Alma Instagram shows that the singer has ended up dyeing her hair in a new faith. Alma’s cutters are now bright Oranges. The hair model is a modern mullee. Alma’s new hair color also looks great on Instagram’s profile picture.

In the Instagram post, Alma will advertise its new song, which will be released on July 1. Alma last released a solo song in 2020.

In 2016, Alma became an international pop singer. The most famous songs of his solo career include Chasing Highs and Karma. Alma has written songs for world-famous artists such as Miley Cyrus. Alma has been involved in writing, among other things, a publication published in 2019 Charlie’s Angels movie ID Don’t Call Me Angelby Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey.

Alma in 2017 at the Emma Gala.
