Simply sawed off trees – who does that?

A tree tied between three posts in a park dangles in the air – the trunk has been sawn through

Unknown persons sawed off three trees in the Carl-Weder-Park in Neukölln Photo: Olaf Selchow

By Isabel Pancake

What’s that about? Out of pure desire to destroy, unknown persons sawed off three trees in the Carl-Weder-Park in Berlin-Neukölln!

The trees stood together with four others in the green area above the tunnel of the A 100. It was created in 2000 as a compensation area to prevent a lane through Britz.

The Carl-Weder-Park in Berlin-Neukölln in good weather - grass and several trees, in between a trail

The Carl Weder Park in Berlin-Neukölln Photo: Olaf Selchow

Each tree was tied between three posts. Now the trunks are hanging in the air – the leaves are drying up. According to Autobahn GmbH, which owns the area, a total of seven trees have already been destroyed.

“The trees are young healthy deciduous trees, approximately 3 meters tall, all of which have been axed or half sawn through,” said spokesman Ralph Brodel. Damage: 1000 euros per tree.

After a BZ request, the police are now investigating suspected damage to property that is harmful to the public.


Trees Britz Green Area Park property damage vandalism
