Simone turned 18 just in time and voted for the first time

Simone Riemslag’s birthday is exactly on the first day of the Democracy Day and she will be 18. That is why she was allowed to vote for the first time. On Monday, not only the well-known red pencil was waiting at the polling station in Dongen, but also the mayor. Simone returned home with a bunch of flowers and a cinema ticket.

Simone went to the polling station with her father, where Mayor Marina Starmans welcomed her. That was quite a surprise for Simone. “I really didn’t expect this!” She read carefully so that she could make an informed choice.

On Wednesday evening, Simone will also count votes with her father, sister and brother. “Interesting to see how that works and fun to experience once,” she says.

Mayor Starmans immediately calls on all residents of her municipality: “Come to the polling station today, tomorrow or Wednesday to vote, because Every Vote Counts!”
