Simon Keizer happy that Zwarte Piet has also been abolished in Volendam

Simon Keizer is happy that Zwarte Piet has also been abolished in his conservative hometown of Volendam. “I think it’s a good development,” says the singer, known from the quarreling duo Nick & Simon.


The annual Sinterklaas arrival was different for Volendam than in previous years, because the conservative fishing village has also said goodbye to Zwarte Piet. It has been decided by the two Sinterklaas committees that are active in the village. Not all residents are happy with this, but Simon Keizer is very happy with it.

Simon happy

Simon thinks it’s good that Zwarte Piet is slowly but surely being eradicated in our country. “We have two Sinterklaas committees in our small village and they have finally agreed that black should be abolished,” he says in the podcast De Leeuw Lult Verder.

He understands that not all his Volendam neighbors are happy with it. “I’ve heard that there was hatred and envy going back and forth on Facebook, but I think it’s a good development. It’s hot news, I’m happy about it.”

All colours

According to Simon, it does not have to be the case that there is no longer a single black pete walking around. “I think it’s okay to have a black pete in between, just all colors.”

This year is a double celebration for Simon, because his daughter Kiki can now fully experience everything. Last year she had corona. “That was very sad, because she had to stay home while all kinds of beautiful celebrations were going on.”


Monique Smit, Jan Smit’s politically incorrect sister, is in favor of Zwarte Piet. The bestie by Tim Douwsma, the singer who is seen by some as the supreme wappie, thinks that ‘nothing is allowed in this country anymore’.

She recently posted a video with soot wipes on her Instagram channel with fresh reluctance, but that was removed. Angry: “Apparently, films with soot sweepers are no longer allowed…”

‘We’re not allowed anything anymore!’

Monique’s followers are very happy with her statements. “Indeed Monique. Just a little while and we are not allowed to say or think anything more”, Peter snorts. “I think the media goes too far in a lot of things. But the media also makes it worse by always commenting on it. Sometimes good but sometimes it also makes things worse unfortunately.”

And Richard: “No indeed, I wouldn’t want to hear them BLACK either.”
