Silvina Batakis: brand new minister, boster and Peronist

“Where do you want me to print the patacones, in Ciccone?” The phrase is from the brand new Minister of Economy Silvina Batakis and it was launched before a group of Kirchner officials during the years in which Daniel Scioli was governor of Buenos Aires and Cristina Kirchner, president. It was June 2012 and the tension that existed at that time was because the province of Buenos Aires did not have the money to pay the salaries and the half bonus. The national government was kicking with the provincial. Batakis was on the opposite side of Kirchnerism, but, until then, he got along well with the Minister of Economy Hernán Lorenzino Why? because she was from Mouth. batakis She is a fan of the Ribera club to the point of drawing tears of joy and sadness. In an interview ten years ago in the magazine La Tecla, he spoke at length about his fanaticism for the club, he said that he made his son a member of Boca at 2 months of life and that he came to participate in the political life of the club in the 2011 election, in which Daniel Angelici was elected. She worked for Jorge Amor Ameal.

On River, in his social networks he writes the name of the club with a long B, to chicane with the time the team descended to the second division, but on this point they are not all loaded. There is also a share of drama: “When River went to B I had a contradiction, I felt that anyone can go to B. He scared me. At first I enjoyed it and then came that feeling of ‘guard, if River went to B, anyone can go’ ”, she reflected in 2012. She is a fan of Riquelme, the current vice president of the club, of Carlos Tevez, by Diego Maradona and also by Martín Palermo. In his Facebook account he has a photo with the former coach of Belgrano de Córdoba, Ricardo “The Russian” Zielinskiwho led the team in that famous match in which River went to B. That’s how fanatical she is.

batakis came to political life Mouth by Silvia Gotero, wife of the deceased xeneize leader Roberto Digón. Through her, he associated Daniel Scioli with Boca, when he was governor. One day she went to see him at La Ñata, in Tigre, and asked him if he was a member of the club. He told her no and she convinced him to join. She took a copy of her DNI and the next day she brought him her card. express management.

With Gotero, she is not only united by her passion for the club, but also by militancy within Peronism. Even though she was born in Tierra del Fuego and studied in La Plata, Batakis It has an important relationship with the women of Buenos Aires Peronism. In addition to Gotero, her other militant friend is María Rosa Muiños, a former Buenos Aires legislator and current Ombudsman of the People of CABA. dolls She is the wife of Juan Manuel Olmos, the chief adviser to President Alberto Fernández. The day Batakis was proposed as minister, in addition to the president of the Central Bank, Miguel Pesce, Olmos was also in Olivos. Batakis had been an advisor at the Banco Ciudad de Claudia Neira, current legislator of the NEP, the space of Olmos within Buenos Aires Peronism. That is to say that she was an old acquaintance of all.

Silvina Batakis


In the 2012 interview, Batakis gave definitions about how she thinks about the economy of a country. “The economy must always be handled by politics. The Minister of Economy would have to be available to the rest of the ministers. It ends up being the hub of a spoke, because all demands end up being for money,” she said at the time.

A few days before taking office, he was at the Argentine Federation of Municipalities and gave his views on the direction of the economy and the challenges facing 2023. He said that “profound” and “rapid” changes were needed in addition to the need to “lower the inflation, improve wages and lower the amount of circulating mass”, that is, the issue. In that meeting he shared a panel with Mayor Fernando Espinosa, president of the Federation, and also with “El Vasco” José Ignacio De Mendiguren, president of BICE. The day he took office, Batakis ran into “El Vasco” and reminded him of their meeting the week before. “It was prescient,” he told her. She was happy.

In addition to Boca Juniors, Batakis She is also a fan of dresses. A few years ago she removed a bathroom from her house to turn it into a dressing room because of the amount of clothes she had. They call her “La Griega”, she speaks Greek and her place in the world is the island of Crete, but she spends her vacations in La Lucila del Mar. Everything is not possible.

Silvina Batakis

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