‘Silence and flying shoes’, biggest defeat hits Telstar player Najah hard

An evening to forget very quickly for Anass Najah. The midfielder lost 7-0 to Heracles Almelo with Telstar. And that meant the biggest defeat for Najah of his career. “I missed the masculinity.”

Telstar player Anass Najah thought that Koeman had been let down – NH News

“As a team, we have let goalkeeper Ronald Koeman Jr. down”, Anass Najah looks back on the punishment against Heracles. The midfielder is quietly looking for the right words, because he does not want to say exactly how hard this loss is. “Then you would only hear beeps.”


No one actually saw this hefty defeat coming. Telstar is doing very well this season. The number of hits was striking. Only 30 in 25 games. “Are we too high or were we too offensive?”, trainer Mike Snoei is looking for explanations for this sporting malaise. “We have a lot of homework.”

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Telstar coach Mike Snoei about the dramatic evening in Almelo – NH News

“Own world”

Afterwards, Najah said that a football shoe flew through the dressing room, but that it was mostly quiet. “Everyone was in their own world.” A defeat that hits the White Lions hard and ensures that the club from Velsen-Zuid drops a spot in the ranking to position ten. “Very cliché, but we have to go on. We’ll go to the club tomorrow and see the images.”

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Telstar player Anass Najah about the emotions after the punishment against Heracles – NH News

Next week, Telstar may hunt for rehabilitation against FC Eindhoven. That game will take place in Velsen-Zuid on Friday, March 3 at 8 PM. Of course you can follow live via NH Radio.

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