Sigrid Kaag responds to fierce criticism, appt with Albert Verlinde

Sigrid Kaag reacts to the fierce criticism that her visit to the BN’er premiere of the ballet classic Raymonda has caused. She texted Albert Verlinde about this.


Albert Verlinde was in Shownieuws on Sunday evening and there, among other things, the Dutch premiere of the ballet classic Raymonda was discussed. Sigrid Kaag was also there. “It was said in advance: ‘Sigrid Kaag is there, but she would rather not be photographed or filmed going to that premiere,'” said the show expert.

Heated discussion

It led to a lot of criticism from Albert and his colleagues. Now he says in Show news: “We had a very heated discussion at the table. There was a premiere of the opera and it had been said beforehand: ‘Sigrid Kaag does not want interviews and not on the red carpet.’ Then I thought: yes, why does she come when you know it is a premiere?”

And then? “Then William Rutten shouted: ‘Then she should just buy a ticket!’ Then I said: ‘Yes, Mark Rutte does.’”

App with Sigrid

Sigrid has now responded to this, Albert said. “I immediately receive a message today that Sigrid Kaag has also bought her tickets. Then tonight I chatted with her for a while – yes, that’s how it works at some point.”

What did Sigrid text? “She says: ‘Yes, but I’m just a real fan of Dutch National Ballet, and I know people who work there and I just wanted to be there to support them at that first performance and because I love.’ She says: ‘I had a wonderful evening at Dutch National Ballet’, and she can recommend it to everyone.”

Dutch celebrity premiere

Photos of the BN’er premiere:
