Sigrid Kaag reacts irritated to Johan Derksen’s return

Sigrid Kaag reacts somewhat irritated to the return of Johan Derksen on television. She’s not going to look anyway. “I had never heard of the program anyway,” she claims.


D66 leader Sigrid Kaag was very pleased with it when Johan Derksen announced to stop television after the 48-hour candle riot. She expressed her pleasure during a press conference as Deputy Prime Minister. “I think it is right that Mr Derksen should stop, but this is not a cabinet theme,” said the politician, among other things.

Miss Arrogance

What Johan and his VI friends do is no longer possible at this time, Sigrid said at the time. “It is actually unacceptable in 2022 in the Netherlands that people even think that you can speak in this way in a television program and that people also laugh at the same table. I think it has been disapproved of by everyone.”

Johan announced in the AD on Wednesday that Today Inside is making a new start and also lashed out at Sigrid: “In order to please all those viewers and to deprive all opponents of the impression that they have won, I am prepared to join the party again. . And I also do that a bit to bully Miss Arrogance 2022, Sigrid Kaag.”

Sigrid responds

What does Sigrid think of Johan returning to the tube? After all, she called his TV exit ‘rightly so’. “He himself said he was going to stop, I said ‘right’. They are his own words, his own choices, he will come back to that. Furthermore, I had never heard of the program, so it’s fine,” she now says in the talk show Beau.

Interviewer Jaïr Ferwerda: “Isn’t it useful that if you have an opinion about something, you should go and have a look at it?”

Sigrid: “Well, no, because what I hear and read, it is not my time use.”

Selective Sigrid

Sigrid doesn’t mind watching VI. “I have other things to do at night. I work hard, I’m finance minister, so when I have free time I spend it with my kids, I go for a walk with the dogs, I talk to my husband again and then I’m selective about what I read and watch . Good day!”

Jaïr: “I get that, but if you do have an opinion about something, it’s also useful to see it, right?”

Sigrid: “Ehh, I should have gone in, but I have an opinion about the statements and that’s not an opinion about the program. It’s an opinion about the statements and I think a lot of people will stick to that.”

spicy competitor

After Jaïr’s item, the opinion of Martijn Krabbé was also asked at Beau’s table. “It will of course be a tough competitor next Monday when Buy Without Watching starts, that’s for sure.”

“Yes, what do I think? I don’t like it much. I don’t really have an opinion. I don’t watch the program. I like football, but I don’t like the competition. I like tournaments.”
