Significantly more new corona cases: 58,301 infections | Inland

The number of new corona cases is again rising sharply. Last 24 hours, 58,301 infections were identified and registered with the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). That is the highest number in two weeks. This also increases the average. Carnival celebrants and returning winter sports enthusiasts seem to be the cause of the increase

The government has already taken into account that the relaxation of the corona rules could lead to a new revival of the corona virus. That is why risk groups will receive a booster shot again from Friday.

In the past seven days, RIVM registered 252,937 new corona cases. That equates to an average of 36,137 positive tests per day.

liberation party

Carnival this year felt like a liberation celebration for many people in the south. The party roughly coincided with the large-scale corona relaxation. Due to the (almost) disappearance of the corona pass and normal opening hours, cafes were able to run at 100 percent again. Visitors were allowed to dance again, without having to think about the one and a half meters. And mouth caps were almost nowhere visible anymore.

“It is of course naive to think that people would stay at home after the relaxation,” says spokeswoman for the Central West Brabant Security Region Marieke Van Wijk. “We have tried to limit the infections by canceling major events and parades. But in the end people are close to each other, that is unstoppable.”

Hospitals a little less busy

The corona departments of hospitals have been slightly less busy in the past day. They are currently treating 1411 people with corona. 34 hospital beds became available between Wednesday morning and Thursday morning, the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS) reports.

There are now 1,256 people who have been diagnosed with a corona infection in the nursing wards. That number has fluctuated a lot in the past week. The intensive care units care for 155 corona patients. That number has been fairly stable in recent weeks, fluctuating between 150 and 175.

Rises for the first time in almost two weeks

The drop in the past day is because more people have left the hospital than entered, but the influx is increasing. In the past day, hospitals admitted 193 people with corona. In the past week, an average of 152 people a day ended up in a hospital. That average is rising for the first time in almost two weeks.

Among the admitted patients who have tested positive for the coronavirus are also people who have ended up in hospital for a different reason. This could be people with heart problems or stomach complaints, for example. After doing a corona test, it happens to be positive. Others have been admitted because of corona complaints, or because the corona infection has made another condition worse. The LCPS makes no distinction in the daily hospital figures between patients admitted with and those admitted because of corona.
