Sick Queen Elizabeth. Carlo and William run to Balmoral

LQueen Elizabeth is ill. The last time she was seen in public, on Tuesday, welcoming the new premier Liz Truss to Balmoral, Elizabeth II, 96, appeared smiling and with the inevitable handbag on her arm, even if rather fragile and leaning on her cane. Soon after, however, court sources reveal, the sovereign would have warned of the illnesses that alarmed her doctors.

Queen Elizabeth in green (surprisingly) closes the Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Queen Elizabeth got worse

In a rare statement on the Queen’s condition that immediately suggested a sudden worsening of the situation, Buckingham Palace revealed that, after a series of tests conducted this morning in Balmoral, doctors expressed new concerns about the monarch’s health.

Alarm for the sick Queen Elizabeth

The sovereign has been suffering from mobility problems for months and already yesterday she was forced to cancel some virtual commitments scheduled for the day and to rest. However, the sudden worsening convinced the British media to suspect a more serious disease and kept secret at court, which would now persuade children and grandchildren to go immediately to the Scottish residence to be near her.

Elizabeth II in Edinburgh, June 2022 (Getty Images)

Charles and William run to the monarch

The heir to the throne Charles and his wife Camilla, also on holiday in Scotland, in nearby Birkhall, were the first to arrive in Balmoral. And we await the arrival of the other children Anna, Andrea and Edoardo, as well as the other heir William, left by helicopter from his new residence in Windsor.

Harry and Meghan are also on the way

They are also called to court Harry and Meghan, who are in Great Britain these days for a series of charitable commitments and would have to leave for California. In recent weeks, they had turned down Elizabeth’s invitation to spend a few days with her and other relatives of her at Balmoral.

One of the sovereign’s last official engagements in Windsor, July 2022 – (Getty Images)

British subjects await news

The queen, who celebrated last June the Platinum Jubilee and his 70 record years on the British throne, remains stable, they say at Buckingham Palace, but as new premier Liz Truss commented in receive the news during a parliamentary session in Westminster, The whole country is worried“.

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