Sick George Kooymans can no longer use fingers: ‘It’s completely shit’ | Stars

“It is going backwards,” said Kooymans. “I can still walk and drive a bit, but everything is difficult. But I can’t use my fingers anymore.”

As a result, Kooymans can no longer play the guitar. “It’s totally shit, but it’s the way it is. I’m trying to find a mode to still compose something, in a different way. There are computer programs that allow you to write by blinking your eyes. I can now operate a mouse with my hand. But playing guitar is no longer there.”

It is unclear how progressive the disease is in Kooymans. “The rate of all these neurological diseases varies from person to person,” he explains. “People say it’s slow for me. But I feel like it’s moving very quickly.” Sometimes Kooymans has a setback. He was recently hospitalized for three weeks because of a pulmonary embolism. That’s not good for your muscles either. But I pack every day.”

Kooymans released a new album on Friday, Mirage† He has been working on this since 2014.
