Siberian conditions for somersaulting Zeeburgia in Kratje Trap: “Didn’t really go well”

Fortunately, the trio from Zeeburgia 3 are into football and not gymnastics, because their somersault was very bad. “Didn’t really go well.” In the snow, the three Amsterdam football players gave everything for a high score in Kratje Trap. “It could have been better.”

Three players taped together try to score as many points as possible. They are given 15 balls and 2.30 minutes for this. If the ball flies into the goal, it scores 3 points. The crates yield many more points.


If you would like to participate in this game, please send an email to [email protected] stating “Crate Trap”. Who knows, reporter Erik-Jan Brinkman may also visit your team.

Standing Crate Trap (3rd period):

1. Dune edge S 3 49 points
2. Zeeburgia 3 41 points
2. DCS women 1 37 points
3. ?
