‘Shutdown’ in VS lijkt afgewend: Democrats steunen wetsvoorstel van Republikeinen | Buitenland

The American Huis van Afgevaardigden heeft zaterdag a noodbegroting goedgekeurd. As the Senate now has a big light, a ‘shutdown’ is in order.

The Democrats in the House of Afgevaardigden hours met tegenzin het Republikeinse wetsvoorstel. He came from Kevin McCarthy, unfortunately he was an American man. Hulp for Oekraïne, the word taken from Russia, is never opgenomen in the design.

He is now a member of the Senate, which is the Democrat of President Joe Biden, who has already written down the text. Veel tijd hebben ze niet, when he was agreed before midnight, the country was in a ‘shutdown’ and all sorts of overheid services were available for money. This means that it is not possible to open the settings of your favorite slots.

As the noodbegroting wordt goedgekeurd, krijgen het congres en de regering 45 dagen extra de tijd om het eenste was over a new begroting.

Oud-President Donald Trump heads the Republic in the Congresses opgeroepen aan te sturen op een shutdown. “This is the last thing we can do to stop the financing of politics against my and other patriots,” wrote the Republic on its own reporting platform ‘Truth Social’.
