Shownieuws gets a slap on the wrist after ‘panting’ interview with Jada Borsato

Shownieuws gets a slap on the fingers for their ‘panting’ interview with Jada Borsato, the fake baby of Marco Borsato and Leontine Ruiters. “They should just shut up!”

© SBS 6

Jada Borsato also wants to be a celebrity just like her famous parents. She had a role in Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden for six months and now she messes around in the margins. However, she still receives all kinds of invitations to premieres and related things. That’s why she attended some Sinterklaas movie last weekend.

Rocking with Jada

If your surname starts with ‘Bor’ and ends with ‘sato’ then you know one thing for sure: the show sections will ask questions about your family. And that is of course completely fine, because she also used that last name to get her foot in the door in the media world. However, questions about dad Marco are now slightly less welcome.

Marco is said to have put his hands in places where this is absolutely not appropriate for an underage girl, but he publicly denies this and of course he also does this to his family. They are of course inclined to believe such a denial and that is why Jada now shouts in front of the Shownieuws camera that they are all going to ‘rock’ the abuse case.

Very disgusting

Rocking is of course the very last word you should use when it comes to a very sensitive abuse case. It’s actually just really disgusting of Jada, even though she may not mean it that way. Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks it is her age and GeenStijl has completely put her through the wringer: “She should shut her mouth!”

However, Hester Zitvast, the rising star in columnist land, thinks this is very mean. She believes that both Jada and Luca Borsato should be left alone. “Jada is not the one who should have kept her mouth shut, Shownieuws should have done that,” writes this mother of numerous children (four) in Flair.

Boundless loyalty

According to her, it is logical that Jada and Luca have ‘boundless loyalty’. And so it is not at all relevant to ask their opinion, says Hester. “I understand that in all the sensationalism there is an enormous need to put her through her paces, but leave this girl alone. Of course she supports her father, that’s what children do.”

Such a ‘panting’ reporter from Shownieuws should just keep his mouth shut, Hester sighs. “She has nothing to do with it, except that it concerns her father. So don’t ask her about it.”

Extract juice

Hester is sick of the news about the Borsato children. They ‘preferably try to extract even more dirt or juice’. “Just let them go, both of them.”

Those children just have to build their own lives, she decides. “Don’t hold them responsible for their father’s behavior by extracting everything from them.”
