‘Show news suffers damage from cuddling Talpa-tokkie Peter Gillis’

The SBS 6 TV program Shownieuws is suffering serious damage from the persistent cuddling of channel villain Peter Gillis, says the sharp media watcher Victor Vlam. “This hurts them enormously.”

© SBS 6

How endearingly she looked at Peter Gillis and his new girlfriend: Airen Mylene. The Shownieuws presenter was visibly delighted with her exclusive interview last week. The sweet interview was part of a strategically deployed media campaign to promote the new season of the SBS 6 title Massa is Kassa.

Pr vehicle Show news

Who else was aboard this PR sloop? Evert Santegoeds. After a cup of coffee with Peter, the Private boss has suddenly become his new media bestie and now defends him all the time. Also yesterday evening he was remarkably mild in Shownieuws when it was discussed that Nicol Kremers will still report abuse by Peter.

It is very inconvenient, says media watcher Victor Vlam. He says in his podcast The Communicados: “Shownieuws devoted fifteen minutes to his new girlfriend. Yes, it is briefly mentioned at the end that he abused his ex-girlfriend, but the main thing was that he has a new girlfriend.”


Why Peter gave that exclusive interview to Shownieuws? That is guessable. He has nowhere else to go to promote his soap, says Victor. “Martien Meiland very often joins Jinek when he has something to promote. But suppose you are a talk show host and you suddenly get Peter Gillis in front of you, what would you ask him about?”

Co-host Lars Duursma: “I would destroy him, I would tackle him and of course ask questions about the abuse of his girlfriend or at least what the Public Prosecution Service is apparently working on now.”

Victor: “Yes, you are not going to ask him about the new season. That would probably be very low on your list of priorities. And that exactly indicates the problem for Peter Gillis, because that means you just can’t send him there for promotion.”

Friendly media

Peter can therefore only turn to friendly media, says Victor. “That means that all promotion that is done for him is done on channels that John de Mol himself controls. In addition, he can therefore demand that people talk about him reasonably positively.”

He continues: “You still want people to feel a little bit excited about the new season of Massa is Kassa and of course that will not happen if it is sawn through about the abuse of his ex-girlfriend. That is why promotion can only be done on the Talpa channels.”

Love interview

And that works perfectly. On behalf of Shownieuws, Airen has asked all kinds of endearing questions about Peter’s new love happiness. “Yes, that is of course something that cannot really be justified according to objective journalistic standards. Everyone would approach it differently,” says Victor.

It is harmful to Shownieuws, he says. “So I wonder whether that is being sufficiently taken into account by the management of Talpa. Look, Massa is Kassa is a moderately watched program again, half a million viewers. That’s really not very special. And to promote him, Shownieuws has to embarrass itself a bit.”


In the long term, this will destroy Shownieuws, says Victor. “I think that if they didn’t do things like this, they would be a bit more objective in general, I think Shownieuws would easily attract 100 or maybe 200,000 more viewers.”

He continues: “I think viewers simply trust the program less if it is blatantly spreading propaganda on the channel. You also have to take that into account. It hurts Shownieuws enormously.”


Lars summarizes: “So the gist is indeed: you may be protecting Peter Gillis in the short term, but in the long term you have permanently damaged other programs for saving the Talpa-tokkie.”

Yes, Victor agrees. “You almost start to wonder who in the Talpa management is being blackmailed by Peter Gillis. haha. I don’t want to suggest anything, I have no idea. But that is a bit Peter Gillis his thing, blackmail and intimidation.”


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