Show news interview with angry Stones fan turns out to be staged

The much-discussed Shownieuws interview with the angry Rolling Stones fan Cor turns out to be staged. “They said, ‘Would you like to say this in front of the camera?’ I say, ‘Of course I will.’”

© Until here

Shownieuws had the laughter on the hand last week with a report by Thom Goderie at the canceled concert of The Rolling Stones in Amsterdam. The performance was canceled at the very last minute because Mick Jagger had corona and mega fan Cor stormed out of the Amsterdam Arena furious and deeply disappointed.


Cor told her story in front of the Shownieuws camera. “I will go to Frans Bauer from now on! Because he is always healthy!”, she muttered, among other things. “And then there you are tonight! Up all those cunt stairs! And do you know how tired I am?!”

It seemed very authentic television, but nothing could be further from the truth. Even her walk out of the football stadium was staged. Reporter Thom had seen Cor complaining in the square and asked her to repeat it all on camera, including that walk from the stadium.

Cor reveals

Cor revealed it yesterday in the ratings hit Even Tot Hier. “Yes, I was grumbling, because I say to my daughter-in-law: ‘Well, I’ll go see Frans Bauer from now on, because at least he isn’t sick.’ Nonsense of course, but then Thom – now I know his name – came from SBS 6 and he says: ‘Would you like to say this in front of the cameras?’”

It seemed like nice television to Thom and luckily he got Cor to repeat it all again on camera. “I say, ‘Of course I will.’”

‘I had to go back’

Presenter Niels van der Laan: “One more time?”

Cor: “Yes, then I had to go back. Up those cunt stairs again. So I come down and I say, ‘Those cunt kicks again, you know how tired I am.’ And then we got that interview. I was full of emotion and I did react violently. Later I regretted that. But yes, it happened.”

Bad reactions

What Thom knew very well of course, but what Cor, in her naivety, had no idea about, is that her outburst of anger trending would be on social media. In retrospect, Cor is not at all happy with the interview.

“I regret that I said it so violently, because I have the whole of the Netherlands over me. Nice comments, but also very bad comments. And I think that’s really bad, because nobody knows what The Rolling Stones mean to me.”


The angry Cor in Show news:
