Should you declare the rental of a garage space in the Income?


On at 14:11


Taxpayers who collect more than 22,000 euros per year have the obligation to make the personal income tax declaration

It will depend if the garage is rented independently from the house, or not

The next April 11 begins the period of declaration of the Income. The taxpayers who collect more than 22,000 euros per year have the obligation to make the personal income tax declaration. A process that can give a lot of headaches to those who are not used to carrying out this type of process at home.

As we develop this process, there are situations in which we doubt whether or not to include something in the declaration, such as parking spaces. Faced with this doubt, the Secretary General of the Union of Treasury Inspectors, Jose Maria Millerhas clarified that they should be included.

“It is not really a payment between individuals but rather responds to an operation, in this case a garage lease, which is subject to VAT, something that is often forgotten,” he explained. Garage may be rented jtogether with the house, in this case it is exempt since the VAT is already included in the total price with the house.

Similarly, if the garage is rented independently, VAT must be declared and invoice made. To formalize it, a lease must be signed and an invoice must be issued each month incorporating the 21% of Value Added Tax.
