Should we still do SEO in 2022?

Artificial intelligence, voice search, a new social network… Each year, more advanced solutions and technologies than the previous ones emerge on the web. Some are shaking up the way companies market themselves, constantly questioning the role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

At the same time, the criteria determining the positioning of websites on search engines are more and more numerous, and always more specific. For brands, it is sometimes difficult to follow these series of novelties, and especially to understand them.

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For these reasons, it is legitimate to wonder if it is still relevant to do SEO in 2022. To get a concrete answer, it is necessary to look at the changes brought about by search engines and the possibilities they offer today.

Algorithms that evolve

Previously, SEO techniques were much less complicated than today. To gain positions on search engines, companies simply tried to improve the structure of their website. It was also necessary to write content with keywords chosen strategically and used excessively.

However, SEO is an evolving discipline. Every year, new trends emerge and innovations emerge. For companies driving traffic from Organic Search or Paid Search, the challenge is to successfully design an SEO strategy robust enough to deal with these changes. The objective is to maintain a good positioning.

To achieve this, it is therefore necessary to keep informed of the new rules, which are sometimes more complex than the others. For example, we can cite Spamdexing, that is to say abusive referencing. It consists of creating a multitude of backlinks to the website that you want to reference. The goal is to manipulate search engines into believing that the site in question is important, when this is not the case. Today, this type of technique is quickly spotted and penalized by Google.

Other developments are introduced. We can cite the MUM algorithm, which aims to respond even more precisely to Internet users’ requests, or the Core Web Vitals, whose objective is to improve the loading speed of a page and the user experience (UX) .

SEO is becoming more complex, but remains essential

It goes without saying that SEO is gradually becoming more complex. It is now necessary to handle all the cogs of search engine algorithms to avoid loss of positioning. However, this does not mean that it is no longer an essential component of a digital marketing strategy. According to the SEO agency id.agencyit is strongly recommended to call on a professional to set up an effective and sustainable natural referencing strategy.

Indeed, you will be able to take advantage of its advanced SEO skills to deal with changes in algorithms and boost your website. It will help you create relevant and diversified content, rethink the structure of your site as well as the user experience offered. These are all essential elements to ensure good visibility for your site.

Although paid ads can be a quick way to gain positions on Google, keep in mind that Internet users place more importance on organic results in search engine rankings. The need for SEO therefore always seems obvious. For this reason, it remains one of the most popular ways to improve its positioning, publicize its services and increase its turnover.
