Should bereavement leave also be available for people who have lost their best friend? This is what the participants in the statement of the day think

In the Netherlands, we only have legal arrangements that provide leave in the event of the death of a blood relative, not the death of a best friend. We asked you if this should change.

Sometimes we in the editorial office think that a certain Statement of the day is not very suitable, because probably everyone thinks the same about it. That was also a bit lurking with this statement. Because if you try to feel what it would be like if you lost your best friend (or maybe you’ve already experienced it), then isn’t that grief just as great or sometimes greater than with a family member?

Make bereavement leave possible in the event of the loss of a friend

More than 53 percent of the participants thought so too. “Some friends are much closer to you than your own brother or sister,” says one agreeer. Another also writes: ‘This sometimes has more impact than a family member. Not everyone has good family ties and then friends sometimes feel more like family. You choose friends, not your family.’

Someone else thinks that the regulations should even be extended to mourning for pets: ‘That relationship is also very intense. And the sadness, loss too’.

Another responder advises customization: ‘Grief cannot be fitted into any scheme. That has to be looked at on an individual basis. Sometimes it’s best to keep going… sometimes to pause.’

How do you check that?

But 46 percent disagreed with the statement. “It remains unclear who is best friend or girlfriend,” writes a “disagree” voter. And one may have more than the other. Demarcation remains a tricky one in this one. And here too, if in doubt, don’t do it! This will lead to friction among colleagues.’ Someone else is also against it mainly because it cannot be verified: ‘When is someone your best friend?’

Another is significantly less empathetic in the response: ‘If it’s such a best friend you only have to take a few days off for it, society can’t cough up everything.’

Someone else who disagrees thinks that there are already enough funds that you can address in such a case: ‘We already have all kinds of leave arrangements for special leave. Employees have hours that they can devote to this subject’.
