Shots, knives and a revenge: extensive police deployment to stop the violence in Cartagena

05/23/2022 at 21:22


The thirst for revenge due to events that happened more than five years ago, he was about to become a outbreak of violence this Monday in Cartagena, a municipality that was the scene of shots fired into the air, a stabbing and a tense calm which forced the National Police to work hard to prevent the contained tension from turning into explicit aggression.

Minutes after four in the afternoon, Emergencies received a call to alert that detonations were being heard in Villalba, in the port city. The same neighborhood where, this Monday morning, an event took place: a person was stabbed in the face.

The neighbors say that Villalba it’s not “a bad area” and they do not want their neighborhood to be equated with others sadly known for drug trafficking and shootings, such as Las 600. Residents do admit that, for some time now, some families have moved to the area that may be conflictive.

Everything that happened this Monday, sources close to the case indicate, came from a brawl that occurred more than six years agowithin the framework of a cockfight. So, a woman had to leave the municipality. The same woman who would have returned now, and would have been involved in the knife fight in the morning, indicate sources close to the case.

As for the shots in the afternoon, they would be retaliation for the incident with a knife that occurred hours before. Because it was about troubled families, a broad security deployment was launched, made up of twenty national police officers. The priority: locate the person who had fired the shot and ensure safety. This person would be a relative of the person stabbed in the face in the morning.

Neighbors leaned out of the windows, alarmed by the large police presence, which was focused on guarding the entrance to Lentisco Street. Some agents, many members of the Prevention and Reaction Unit (UPR), motorists and two ‘zetas’, went heavily armed, with long guns. On the street, where there were relatives of the people directly involved in the confrontation, a tense calm reigned.
