Shot On iPhone Macro Challenge: an Italian among the winners

Lvery close or very close. The perspective of a shot can reveal unexpected aspects of a landscape, an object, a situation. With the Shot On iPhone Macro Challenge, the Cupertino maison invited all photographers and enthusiasts equipped with an iPhone 13 Pro Max (the only model to date equipped with a macro camera) to send their photos. The result? A surprising gallery of mysterious and suggestive images.

The Shot On iPhone Macro Challenge was launched in January 2022. To participate, you just had to share your macro photos, taken with iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtags #ShotoniPhone and #iPhonemacrochallenge. Weibo users can participate using # ShotoniPhone # and # iPhonemacrochallenge #.

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Star and photo retouching, those who give up and those who report

How to take pictures like these

Anyone who feels inspired by these beautiful shots, and wants to try their hand at macro photos, here are the tips for iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max users:

  • Make sure you are close enough to the subject – With these devices you can get as close as 2 centimeters.
  • Fix the main focal point near the center of the frame – this is where the focus is sharpest when taking macro photos with iPhone.
  • Those who wish can tap an area of ​​the frame to set a specific focal point.
  • Shoot at 0.5x to use an ultra wide-angle field of view, or at 1x if you prefer a tighter shot; the iPhone will automatically switch between cameras as you approach the subject, maintaining the 1x frame
  • To know everything about the camera functions on the iPhone or for advice on iPhone photography visit this page

