Shopping cart tips over girl (1) in hardware store – dead

Blue light on the roof of a police vehicle (symbol photo)

Blue light on the roof of a police vehicle (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / Eibner-Presse

Terrible accident on the day before the second advent!

By Natasha Altendorf

A 13-month-old girl was with her parents in a hardware store in the Hanover region on Saturday at around 10.40 a.m. when the tragic accident happened.

The shopping cart loaded with plasterboard had lopsided while the toddler was standing next to it. Then the car overturned, burying the child under it.

First responders rushed over and resuscitated the child. Then it was flown to a clinic by helicopter. Unfortunately, it died there only a short time later.

The unimaginably terrible: The parents had to watch the accident.

Other customers and employees of the hardware store also witnessed the tragic incident.

Emergency counselors took care of the parents and witnesses. A spokeswoman said the shocked police forces had also received an offer of advice in order to be able to process the incident.

The police are now investigating how the shopping cart got so crooked that it fell over.


Current Hanover News Lower Saxony Police
