Shock of theft in Once Upon a Time in Çukurova! Set officers caught

Thieves stole the air conditioning units at the Chest Diseases Hospital, where the TV series Once Upon a Time in Çukurova, which had a large fan base on ATV, was filmed. Once Upon a Time, Çukurova set workers caught the thief.

In the old Chest Diseases Hospital, where the hospital scenes of the TV series “Once Upon a Time in Çukurova” were shot in Adana, the set staff caught the thief who stole the air conditioning units.

According to the information obtained, the incident occurred in the Yeni Dam Neighborhood of the Seyhan district. Allegedly, the team of “Once Upon a Time Çukurova”, which has been shooting in Adana for 4 years and tells about the 1970s of Adana, came to the old Chest Diseases Hospital, which was used as Çukurova City Hospital in the series for the hospital scene.

The team started shooting by making preparations inside and outside the hospital. Meanwhile, the crew noticed a noise coming from the lower floor of the hospital. Thereupon, when the team officers went downstairs, they saw a person running away with a sledgehammer.

The set crew chased the person and caught them in the garden of the hospital. He then informed the police. It was determined that the suspect’s name was Abuzer K., that he broke and stole the air conditioning units of the hospital with a sledgehammer and carried it outside the garden wall by pulling it out of the window. The suspect did not want to cover his face and show it when the members of the press saw it.

The security guard of the hospital came to the thief and said, “We caught you before. Why are you stealing, you know, you promised, you wouldn’t do it. This time we will complain about you.”
