Shock drop! Kristian Heiskari dropped Farmi from Finland

The two-time reality TV winner lost for the first time.

The Farmi Finland series saw an extremely exciting duel, when two farmers had to fight for a place to continue.

Previously elected crofter Taina Ojaniemi decided to name Pauliina Laitinen to the drop. The decision provoked a rather strong reaction in Pauliina, as she felt that Taina had broken her promise.

Annoyed by this, Pauliina announces that she is challenging a reality TV veteran Kristian Heiskarin.

– I would love to challenge each of you, but somehow I feel that so weak has been challenged so far. I want to challenge Kristian, a two-time reality TV winner, Pauliina shakes in front of everyone.

Kristian Heiskari and Pauliina Lahtinen are fighting for a place on the farm. Alpertti Rieskjarvi Ruoste Productions

The choice is surprising among competitors.

– That was a tough draw from our Paulina. I really appreciate it, Taina says on TV cameras.

Kristian and Pauliina have to pack their stuff and head to the shed. Exceptionally, other competitors will not be able to follow the duel.

Skill matters

Kristian and Pauliina compete in three different skill-intensive sports. First, they must hit five pounds as close as possible to the points marked on the plank.

– Pauliina has a really good photo memory, she has admitted it herself. I, on the other hand, have a memory like a goldfish, Kristian speculates.

The task is fairly even, but Kristian performs better in the race and takes the lead 1-0.

Next, the duo must assemble a split tower that reaches the scale line. After this, the tower must remain upright for 20 seconds for the task to be accepted.

– It was a kind of speed and I know this is my weakness, Pauliina says.

Kristian challenges Paulina in a skill. Alpertti Rieskjarvi Ruoste Productions

Kristian initially takes a small lead as Pauliina focuses on building the bottom of the log tower. The woman’s tactics are worthwhile as her tower rises faster. The score is 1-1 before the last race.

In the final race, each competitor must saw a log of a certain weight. A competitor who has gotten closer to the right weight may continue on the farm.

Kristian’s log is clearly larger than Paulina’s. However, Pauliina will take the competition.

– I was completely surprised that I beat Kristian in the racing arena. I thought she was such a hard resistance that I couldn’t win, Pauliina dissipated after the race was over.

Pauliina surprises in a dueling arena. Four

For Kristian, the loss is considerable. He has won Farm before both Survivors and Big Brother.

– The feelings are a little disappointing. I would have liked to go all the way to the end, but sometimes when you win, you sometimes have to take bitter losses, the TV face says.

Farmi Suomi Nelonen on Saturdays at 8 pm. Watch all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
