Ships Annys expresses ambitions in book ‘Bruges with balls’

Ships Annys expresses ambitions in book ‘Bruges with balls’

He thinks the time is right to make the center car-free. “We used to be the forerunners with the circulation plan, we also had the parking plan during the past legislature. I think we should take it a step further and become forerunners again by making a certain area in the center car-free during the day: our main streets and part of the tourist area. And that between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Those plans have been in place for a long time. It is technically possible. The most important thing is that the minds are matured with traders and with Bruges residents to take that step

Candidate mayor

And it is now official. Annys, who is now alderman for social affairs, work and entrepreneurship, is a candidate mayor. Annys plans to make 10,000 home visits over the next two years. He wants to bring politics into the living room through living room debates. All ideas arising from that participation project will be tested in order to arrive at an election program in the spring of 2024. “I think there is so much more that can be done from Bruges. That is why I wrote a booklet. The booklet is a call to dare to dream, to dare to experiment, away from the status quo, away from the beaten path. How do we make Bruges a city that is ready for the future? A city with daring and ambition.”
