Ship in Ridderkerk becomes emergency shelter for 100 asylum seekers | NOW

Another asylum ship is moored in the harbor of Ridderkerk. Up to 100 asylum seekers can be accommodated here temporarily in the coming period. The first people arrived on Saturday.

The pressure on the emergency reception of asylum seekers remains high nationally. The Municipality of Ridderkerk therefore received a request from the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) to once again assist in the temporary reception of asylum seekers.

The asylum ship, the Calypso, docked on Tuesday 5 July. For the time being, people can be accommodated here for three months. Came to the same quay also last year a temporary asylum boat. “Based on previous experience, it has been decided to designate the port as a location,” the municipality said.

“Together with all those involved, we are doing our utmost to ensure that this reception period also runs smoothly,” said Mayor Anny Attema. “Prosperous for the municipality of Ridderkerk, but certainly also for the asylum seekers.”

There is a management committee for stakeholders from the immediate environment. There they can meet with the municipality and the police to quickly address problems or nuisances.
