“She’s only making it worse!”

According to critics, Samantha Steenwijk exaggerates very much in the case against Yvonne Coldeweijer. She even shouts to all media that ‘human lives are at stake’. “She just makes it worse!”


She could not suppress her resigned attitude: Yvonne Coldeweijer was quite giggly in the Amsterdam court yesterday about the media circus set up by Samantha Steenwijk. The singer was very dramatic about Yvonne’s statements in front of the cameras of countless news media. “People’s lives are at stake!!!”

legal circus

Samantha has lost 22 kilos in a short time and she claims that this is due to horseback riding, much to the surprise of Jeroen van der Boom, among others. Yvonne made a juice video last month in which she claimed that Samantha used illegal diet pills. The singer denied this, after which Yvonne took the video offline.

That video about the diet pills had escaped many people, until Samantha started to make a whole legal circus out of it, which made Yvonne’s story nationally known. That was well after Yvonne had taken the video offline and corrected it twice. According to De Telegraaf, however, Samantha just wants attention.

human lives

Now that Samantha has made the story about the diet pills nationally known, she shouts that Yvonne is putting people’s lives in danger. “I’m not one for negativity at all, but in my view there are just too many lives at stake! I have become the inspiration for illegal drugs and you don’t want that!”

Isn’t she exaggerating a bit? “Of course she’s all a bit giggly about it, but if anyone gets injured later… I don’t want that on my conscience and that’s why I’m standing here.”

Well, very noble of Samantha.

“Everyone on the pills!”

Samantha fears that ‘everyone’ will soon be on diet pills. “Do you know what it is? Losing weight is of course very difficult for everyone and people who do things out of desperation that you should not do. She said I did, so everyone is now going on those pills out of desperation. Yeah, you don’t want that on your conscience.”

If the ICs soon overflow, it will be because of Yvonne, according to Samantha. “If people’s lives are at stake and someone will soon be in intensive care, that is not my responsibility, but Mrs Coldeweijer’s responsibility. I have never used these pills.”

What does Yvonne think of these statements? “Crazy!” she shouts on Instagram.

Not very strong

Weekend boss Bart Ettekoven agrees. “I didn’t think her defense was very strong either, that she says: ‘I’m afraid that if there are victims, they will be pointed at me.’ I don’t understand at all why Samantha Steenwijk started this whole thing, because I think you should always look: what will it bring me in the end?”

Samantha just makes things worse, he thinks. “I don’t think it’s going to do her much good, even if she’s right. People might still find her a bit of a nag, because Yvonne is very popular. She says, “My reputation has been tarnished,” but the question is, won’t this cause hurt her reputation even more?”

Bart thinks she must be able to take a beating. “When you’re on television, more people talk about you. That is part of the job.”

Day at Efteling

TV connoisseur Rob Goossens notices that Yvonne had a great day at court. “Yvonne really sat there as if she had been to the Efteling for a day and Samantha made a rather tense impression.”

Luuk Ikink thinks that Samantha will only help Yvonne’s channel to even more followers. “It doesn’t really matter to her, Yvonne in this case, what the outcome of this will be. It just helps her with her channel and everything around it.”

Rob: “Yes, it looks a bit like that. He was really enjoying the attention and even posed for the photographers. Indeed; it seems Yvonne was like, ‘Okay, this is the first and I’m sure there will be a lot more to come.’”


The men of Today Inside also find Samantha a huge nag. René van der Gijp calls her ‘girl Steenwijk’. “Should you care what someone like that says about you? Should it interest you? Not me.”

Hélène Hendriks and Johan Derksen in unison: “Me neither.”

René: “The Public Prosecution Service also has something else on its mind.”

Hélène: “Yes, I think so too.”

Johan: “I think that Samantha Steenwijk is such an asshole, you know.”

The judge will rule in this case in two weeks, on Friday 29 April.


Below is a fragment of Samantha’s legal circus. One of the questions to Samantha sums up the whole madness: “Do you really believe that you lost weight riding a horse?”
