‘She’s not in shape’

Linda de Mol receives criticism from her own ranks for her hysterical comeback column for the first time. Her Talpa colleague Evert Sankrediets is disappointed. “She’s obviously out of shape.”


Linda de Mol’s comeback column is one big finger pointer. For example, she complains about the lack of support from fellow celebrities. “Suddenly there is no one who stands up for you in public, no one who dares to say in a talk show or write in a column: ‘Of course Linda didn’t know this. As if she would lie about that.’”

Evert from criticism

Linda’s complaint is quite striking, because all her colleagues at SBS 6 – the stars of Shownieuws first – have been drowning in compassion for the fallen TV queen for days. Apparently she wants even more hosanna calls, because the Mol family cannot deal with criticism. For example, it recently leaked that John de Mol keeps lists of Talpa stars who insult him.

If Linda also keeps such lists, then she can now also include the name of her colleague Evert Sankrediets. As one of the few Talpa stars, the Shownieuws star is critical of the sister of his big boss.

Very disappointed

Evert is very disappointed in Linda’s comeback column. “I had high hopes for it, because she wrote beautiful personal columns after the death of her father and mother. I think she should have done that now, just keep track of what she’s been through all those months,” he says in the podcast Strictly Private.

She has said too little about that now, says Evert. “She now had a great opportunity to do that in her own magazine, with as much space as she would need.”

‘She’s not in shape’

Like most critics, Evert finds it weak that Linda lashes out in her column at all kinds of celebrities, including even Tim Hofman. “I didn’t need those lashings that a lot has already been said about.”

He continues: “She may well be right in that he also skated a crooked skate, but that’s not what this is about and she should have estimated that differently. That may indicate what condition she is in, that she may not be that sharp or in shape after all.”

A lot of resentment

Linda should have just turned it into a story of feelings and not a riot column, Evert thinks. “Just keep it to yourself! How terrible it is that you were indeed about to start cooking, but the phone call came and your whole life is turned upside down. It could have been a much nicer story than it is now.”

Colleague Jordi Versteegden, the presenter of the podcast: “There is still a lot of resentment, that’s clear.”

Evert: “It may sound strange, but she has been out for a while – that’s not for nothing – and I think it will take a while before she is completely back.”
