‘She’s lost her shine’

Wendy van Dijk is being written off by TV experts, who fear that her transfer from RTL 4 to SBS 6 has been a disastrous turning point. “She’s lost a lot of her shine.”

© William Rutten

For years, Wendy van Dijk was the face of RTL 4’s most important TV shows: The Voice of Holland and its derivatives. She chose to make the switch to SBS 6 in 2019 and since then the presenter has really attracted much fewer viewers. Three years later, she no longer belongs to the absolute top in television land.

Well-oiled machine

Angela de Jong and Rob Goossens explain her TV demise in a large article by Veronica Superguide. “Wendy was on the throne at RTL. With a program like The Voice, which is such a well-oiled machine that you can, so to speak, put your mother on it to make it a success,” he says. “That brought her star status.”

And she did well too, says Rob. “All the promising programs at RTL were offered to her first. But then she switched to a channel that is doing much less well, but that does promise everything.”

Lost shine

In retrospect, Wendy’s transfer from RTL to SBS turned out to be a huge misstep, says Rob. “Wendy has lost a lot of her shine as a result. Viewers don’t just switch channels very easily, as it turns out. That is something Gordon has also experienced and, ultimately, Linda de Mol too.”

That opinion is shared with Angela, although she notes that Wendy also simply lacks personality. She doesn’t think she’s authentic enough. “With Wendy, I never feel like I’m seeing the real Wendy. That is in her use of voice and her eyes.”


Angela thinks Wendy clearly plays a part. “I think she has the most difficulty finding a program that really suits her. Then again candid camera, then dating again, then dance and now another knowledge quiz.”

She refers to Wie Kent Nederland, whose new season starts on Saturday. “So interchangeable with those few celebrities who are always up for a game. I would rather see a nice drama series than Wie Kent Nederland.”


Wendy, meanwhile, keeps a cool head. She likes to sit in her cool car because of the summer heat:
