‘Shell Havelte collected signatures against new gas station’

The municipality of Westerveld and the initiator of a new petrol station of Oliehandel Kreuze on the Havelte business park cannot imagine that anyone could be bothered by this.

“The nearest residents of a company home have no objections,” said initiator Gerald Meijer today at the Council of State. “The objections all come from the corner of the Shell station on Van Helomaweg. A lawyer has been sent door-to-door to collect signatures against my gas station.”

According to the opponents’ counsel, there are indeed serious objections to the plan for the gas station on Oeveraseweg. For example, the new filling station would be too close to a planned office and business complex. “There is only 3 meters in between. That is not only a fire hazard, but also creates a bad living, living and working climate,” the lawyer told the judge. He wanted to know from the municipality what the state of the office plans is and whether it really comes so close to the gas station.

The municipal spokesman indicated that B & W will soon make a decision about the objections to the new construction on the business park. “But there is indeed many meters more distance between the gas station and the office than 3 meters. Moreover, both initiators are still discussing the location of the new office building. That may be even further away from the gas station.”

Initiator Meijer confirmed this. He also indicated that, after previous consultations with local residents, he has devised a driving route for petrol station traffic so that none of the surrounding residents of the company homes are bothered by shining headlights. Traffic research also shows that there will be no unacceptable nuisance caused by cars and trucks on Oeveraseweg.

The opponents’ counsel questioned that investigation and said that he will come up with a counter-investigation for next year’s substantive case. If the court upholds the plan for the gas station, Meijer will probably apply for an environmental permit. He wants to wait with the construction of the Kreuze gas station until the highest administrative court has issued a final ruling later next year. Emergency ruling will follow in two weeks.
