She would finally become a mother, but then she was hit by Patrick: ‘I suddenly saw two headlights’ | Car

After an adoption process of years, there was finally positive news. A 43-year-old woman from Lelystad and her husband were told that they would probably have a baby. A few days later the redeeming phone call came, but the expectant mother was not allowed to experience that anymore. She died shortly before in a car accident on the Markerwaarddijk. “Suddenly I had to choose a coffin for my wife.”

The victim’s husband was in the car with her when that fatal collision took place on January 16, 2021. According to the public prosecutor, reckless driving by 35-year-old Patrick M. from Venhuizen was the cause of the blow.

He would have overtaken on the Markerwaarddijk near Lelystad, while that was not allowed and it was also snowing. In addition, he would have driven much too fast. According to the police, an average of about 130 kilometers per hour, where 100 is allowed. And he would have been on his mobile phone, so he was not paying enough attention to traffic.

‘Wasn’t on my phone’

But according to M. none of that is true. “If I drove too fast, it wasn’t that much. And I had my phone in the center console, I played music on it.” He told the court on Wednesday that he saw a row of cars in front of him on the dike and drove to the center line to look around the traffic jam.

“I felt my car slipping away a bit and then I saw two headlights. I couldn’t go back to the right, so I tried to drive into the guardrail on the left to avoid the oncoming car. It went so fast, suddenly the emergency services were already there.”


All her bones were broken, an artery burst, and her aorta was damaged

mother of the victim

M. collided head-on with the couple from Lelystad. The man got off reasonably well, but his wife did not survive the blow. “All her bones were broken, an artery burst and her aorta was damaged,” her mother told the court. “Our beautiful, sweet daughter was dead. I could only scream when I heard it.”

The woman’s sister said in an emotional statement that the emergency services could not get her sister out of the car at first. “They had to take her with the car and all. All this time she was all alone, it still makes me sad. How unfair can life be?”

Finally mom

The widower’s sad story also went through marrow and bone. “Our biggest wish was a child. After a difficult adoption procedure of years, we had been told that there might be a baby. We were so happy that weekend. She finally got to be a mom.”

But instead of expanding his family, his life turned into a nightmare. “I suddenly had to pick out a coffin for my wife.” And with the death of his wife, his dream of having a family also died. ,, The Monday after the accident, the adoption agency called. You are having a baby, they said. And then I had to tell her she was gone.”

Ten penalties

He thinks that M. has killed his wife. ,,Are you proud of yourself?” M. listened resignedly. ,,I’m sorry, I feel very guilty.” But a road pirate? No, he doesn’t think so. Even though he already received ten penalties for traffic violations, such as tailgating, speeding and using his phone behind the wheel.

The accident has done him a lot, M. said in court. He then collapsed psychologically and was unable to function for a year and a half, the Probation Service summarized. He got his driver’s license back after six months. ,,But at first I didn’t dare to drive anymore.” He followed trauma therapy to get his life back on track.

The officer believes that it can be proven that M. drove recklessly that evening. According to him, he did not take into account the snow and the fact that he was driving on summer tires. “He drove too fast and tried to overtake, while he was not allowed.”

Wrong side of the road

According to him, the story that M. slid onto the wrong side of the road and collided as a result is impossible. That is not consistent with the results of the extensive investigation that the police did, he says. ,,Moreover, mister really liked to drive fast, he also took pictures of that. He was still on probation before that. And he also deleted incriminating photos from his phone after this accident.”

His sentence: thirty months in prison, nine of which conditionally with a probationary period of three years and a driving ban of three years.

Verdict in two weeks.
