‘She was not treated with care’

René Froger is not pleased with the way in which his sympathetic wife Natasja Froger was put aside by RTL 4. “I don’t think she was handled carefully enough.”


In a world where you stumble over the huge egos that people carry along, people like Natasja Froger are a breath of fresh air. She is someone you should like to have in your star stable, but what does RTL 4 do? She ruthlessly dumps her as a presenter of Voor Same Money to exchange her for Leonie ter Braak, fifteen years younger.

Natasja dumped

Natasja is out: she has lost her contract with the channel. Critics call this a typical example of age discrimination and the people of RTL Boulevard are also critical. For example, presenter Luuk Ikink thinks it is important that a family channel such as RTL 4 should also have older TV stars with authority in house.

We haven’t heard Natasja herself about how she was put aside, but it turns out it didn’t go very well. According to her husband René Froger, the channel has dropped quite a few stitches.

Rene not happy

René finds it very annoying for Natasja, he says The Telegraph. “Natasha handles this very well. Of course certain things hurt her and in my opinion she has not been handled carefully enough. (…) I also find it annoying when it touches her. Natasja is so natural and honest. I know very few people who are like themselves.”

However, according to René, her TV career is not over, but given the way in which RTL has dealt with her, a return to that channel does not seem to be possible. “Of course she hasn’t stopped, she just doesn’t have a contract anymore. She is still constantly calling if she wants to do something. She is talking about various fun programs.”


Natasja wants to take it a bit easier, he says. “We are now more considerate of each other and while I used to always say ‘yes’, we now see together whether ‘we’ feel like it. She does too. But things are also coming to her in terms of television work and if she doesn’t respond to that, there are always charities that she is committed to.”

They don’t budge. It is also very nice to see that we still have such a good time together after all these years. We have so much humor together and it is always wonderful to spend time together. We like to throw parties and be with a lot of people around us, but just the two of us is still nice too.”
